Closed on Saturday & govt. holiday. 24 hours Emergency Service daily even on holidays.

Chittagong Eye Infirmary and Training Complex

Orbit, Oculoplasty & Oncology

Orbit, Oculoplasty & Oncology clinic deals with congenital & various ocular adnexal , orbital, peri orbital disorders like Lid pathologies, Ptosis, Ectropion, Entropion, Enuclation & Evisceration with Implant, Reconstructive surgery and Lacrimal disorders. This clinic also deals with per orbital,Orbital and ocular tumors specially Retinoblastoma. Patients with blepharospam   and hemi facial spasm are treated with injection Botulinum toxin. Annually around 5000 patients are provided service through this clinic and around 900 surgeries are performed. Special care is given to retinoblastoma patients under the clinic. A dedicated team formed with experienced ophthalmologist, Oncologist, pediatrician and Ocularist are dealing with these patients. Different management options like chemotherapy (Intravenoms, intravitreal, and periocular), Local therapy (laser, cryo etc), Surgery, Scheduled follow up, Sibling screening are available. The children of retinoblastoma are managed at a minimal cost.